Friday, December 14, 2012

How to prevent eye problems with computer


Daily we spend lot many hours in front of computer which requires continuous attention and concentration. This may lead to may issues like pain in eyes, weak eye sight, headache etc.

I think you agree. Ain't you?

There is very simple principle called 20-20. After very 20 minutes relax your eyes for 20 seconds, by either moving them from the computer screen to somewhere else or by closing them.

Within a week you will feel the difference.

Another very good remedy is: use rose water, just put 2 drops in both eyes and close your eyes for 5-10 minutes. you can do this while you are at home.

Another proven ayurvedic remedy for improving eye sight is :
Use TRIFLA water in the morning to wash your eyes. That is a proven technique I bet your eye sight will improve very fast.

Happy working....

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yoga Products

Here are some nice products which are good for health and have no side effects.

Monday, August 17, 2009

"Yoga Can Prevent Swine Flu"- Says Baba Ramdev

Amidst growing concern on the increasing spread of the H1N1 virus in India, renowned yoga guru Baba Ramdev has prescribed yoga as a cure for the disease.

Talking to reporters in New Delhi on Tuesday, Baba Ramdev advised people to practice yoga as a preventive measure against swine flu.

"People with strong immune system cannot be affected with swine flu. Through yoga and pranayama, you can keep your immune system, particularly the respiratory system, strong," he added.

He further said that the media was creating panic among the people.

"There is a lot of panic among the people. The news channels round the clock make it breaking news every time there is a death due to swine flu," said Ramdev.

The yoga guru also advised people to use face masks while in crowded places.

The deadly virus has claimed 29 lives in India so far

With the increasing number of swine flu cases, the Central government has unveiled fresh measures to control the spread of disease, by allowing private labs to conduct tests and private hospitals to provide treatment.

See Video

See Video

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lose Fat - Belly Fat - Stomach Fat

Use yoga and exercises on daily even if you don’t want to lose your belly fat, burn fat and reduce weight. Yoga is very necessary to every one, as it help to reduce abdominal fat; it reduces your stress and makes your body fit and internally strong to fight with normal diseases. Now comes at the main point how to reduce fat though yoga.

Your fat can be reduced only though that yoga exercise and poses that includes exercises for your stomach muscles. Don’t try to do hard one, if you are not habitual of doing yoga and asanas. You should start with some light yoga exercises than gradually move towards hard one. Yoga will reduce your fat and weight very slowly without any side effects. So keep patience and believe on yoga. Gradually your body will become flexible and you will feel confident for other yoga exercises.

Now starts the exercise: Use towel or mat for doing yoga and lie on that. Now lift your knee and bend it towards your chest, hold both of your knees with the help of your hand. Always try to touch knee with your stomach. See, whether you are able to meet your knees with your nose or not and try to make both close and close in further attempts. Breathe one time and you need to keep this position for only 30 second and after that release it slowly – slowly. This is not important that you do this exercise with both legs, you can do this yoga with any one of your leg at one time and again with other.

Another yoga exercise for lose belly fat - How to lose stomach fat

For this yoga pose you just lie on the mat or your towel on your stomach. Place both of your hands at bottom of your spine on your backside. Don’t make us of your hand, and try to raise your upper torso (the central part of the human body or and includes the chest, back, and abdomen not your neck, head and limbs), keep this position till your head is upright. For just 30 second try to hold this position. You will notice that your back muscles are used to perform this yoga exercise but don’t worry it will still help you in reducing and burn your belly fat and will make your stomach flat.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to prevent back pain ?

Preventing back pain
The following tips will help you guard yourself from hurting your back:
When you lift heavy objects, keep your knees bent and squat while lifting the object. Do not bend to lift it.
While carrying the object hold it close to your chest, keep your spine erect and straight.
When you lift heavy objects, keep your knees bent and squat while lifting the object. Do not bend to lift it.
While carrying the object hold it close to your chest, keep your spine erect and straight.
When you are lifting the object, do not twist your body.
When you move heavy objects, push it instead of pulling it.
Do not remain seated for long hours. Get up once in a while and stretch your body.
Do not wear high heeled footwear.
Exercise regularly. Lack of it can cause back ache

While standing
When you stand for long hours, shift your body weight from one foot to the other. You can also keep one foot in an elevated position by placing it on a stone, stool or raised platform. Stand straight and maintain a good posture.

While sitting
Use chairs with straight backs which provide adequate support to your lower back. When you want to turn, turn by moving your entire body. Do not twist your body at the waist. This can cause back strain. While driving, sit straight with your seat forward within easy reach of the controls.

While sleeping
Sleep on your side with your knees bent. Put a pillow under your head to support your neck. If you sleep on your back, put pillows under your knees and a small pillow under your lower back.

Certain exercises can help you strengthen your back. However, consult your doctor before doing these exercises; your doctor knows what is best for you.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yoga Poses & Yoga Exercises

In Sanskrit, the word “pose” is “asana” (pronounced as “ah-sah-nah”).

Each asana helps you become more aware of your body, mind, and environment. While beginning your yoga exercises, experiment with the poses, moving in and out as you feel comfortable. If you approach the poses with playful curiosity, feeling of frustration and competitiveness will not enter your mind. While practicing your yoga exercises, make sure that you don’t feel any discomfort or pain.

Yoga Poses and breathing
Breathing is an essential part of practicing yoga exercises. You should never hold your breathe during a pose. Also make sure that your breath is never forced or strained. Labored breathing is sign that you you’re working too hard and should come out of the pose slightly.

When one starts practicing yoga, one can hold for three full breaths through most yoga poses. If you feel comfortable in the pose, hold for longer, if uncomfortable, you should come out of the pose immediately.

Types of Yoga Poses
Seated poses – Seated poses are useful for practicing breathing exercises and relaxation or meditation techniques. Seated poses are also often used as a warm up or as a starting point for other poses. Performing seated poses can help improve your posture and open your hips.

Standing poses – Standing poses are often used as warm up or as a starting point for other poses. Standing poses are beneficial for strengthening your legs, opening your hips and improving your sense of balance.

Inversions – Inversions are excellent poses to perform to improve your blood circulation, quiet your mind and improve your overall health. Inversions are also believed to reverse the ageing process and reduce the effect of the gravity on your body.

Relaxation and restorative poses – It is important to take time to perform relaxation or restorative poses at the end of each yoga practice. You can use this time to relax your body and mind and allow energy released by the poses in your practice to move freely throughout your body.

Counter poses – A counter pose is a yoga pose that stretches your spine in the opposite direction from a previous pose or returns your spine to a neutral position.

Twists – You can perform twists to stretch and strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, increase the flexibility of your spine and improve your circulation. Twists improve the functioning of your internal organs by providing them with a fresh supply of blood as you twist and release your body.

Balancing poses – Balancing poses are great for improving your balance and coordination as well as developing your ability to remain grounded in a pose. Keeping your body balanced encourages you to focus, quiet and balance your mind.

Forward bends – Forward bends stretch the entire back of your body, especially your hamstrings. Forward bends are also often used to release tension, calm your mind and soothe your nervous system. Similar to back bends, forward bends help keep your spine strong and supple.

Back bends – Back bends are among the most challenging poses in yoga. Bending backward helps strength your back and keep your spine strong and supple. Back bends also open the front of your body, especially your chest.

Yoga Therapy For Eye Problem (floaters)

If you see tiny little specks moving in front of your eyes, they are floaters. People often tend to see them when gazing at a plain background, such as the blue sky or a blank wall. Floaters are just small clumps of gel or cells within the vitreous area that fill the inside of the eye. That is the clear jelly-like fluid in your eye.

Floaters often look like strands, specks, webs or weird shapes. In actual matter of fact, what you are seeing, or think you are seeing are just the shadows of floaters that are cast on the retina; this happens to be the light-sensitive part of our eyes.

Yoga Therapy for Floaters and Spots

Most spots and floaters in our eye are quite harmless and just a bit annoying. Most of them tend to fade away in time and become less troublesome. Oftentimes, a lot of folks, in a hurry, resort to surgery to remove them, but ophthalmologists are willing to oblige only in the rarest of instances.

On the other hand, sudden appearance of many floaters, particularly if accompanied by flashes or other optical disturbances, just might be indicative of a retinal detachment or some serious eye problem. It is always better to consult your eye doctor immediately in this case. Meanwhile, please practice these Yogasanas (postures), Pranayamas (breathing exercises) and Kriyas (cleansing techniques) with special emphasis on the eye kriyas and exercises mentioned at the end:

Asanas (poses)


Ardha Chakrasana (Half Wheel pose)

Padahastasana (Forehead to knee pose)

Padangusthasana (Toe to hand pose)

Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

Tadasana (Palm Tree pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)


Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fish pose)

Gomukhasana (Cow face pose)

Janu Sirshasana ((Forehead to single knee pose)

Marichyasana (Pose dedicated to the sage Marichi)

Paschimottanasana (Forehead to both knees pose)

Simhasana (Lion pose)

Ushtrasana (Camel pose)


Single Leg and Double Leg Raises without raising your head and neck
Chakrasana (Wheel pose)
Matsyasana (Fish pose)
Navasana (Boat pose)
Pawanmuktasana (Wind relieving pose)
Purvottanasana (Inclined Plane)
Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge formation pose)


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog pose)
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Dhanurasana (Bow pose)
Shalabhasana (Locust pose)


Please avoid all inverted poses at all costs.


Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
Garudasana (Eagle pose)
Kakasana (Crow pose)

Pranayamas (breathing exercises)

Kapalabhatti (Skull cleansing)
Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Suryabhedana (Right Nostril breathing)

Kriyas (Cleansing techniques)

Jala Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with water)
Sutra Neti (Cleansing Nasal passages with rubber catheter)
Vaman Dhauti (Cleansing stomach by vomit water on empty stomach)

Eye kriyas and exercises

Netra Dhauti

Trataka – this includes candle gazing, shoulder gazing, gazing at the tip of the nose and between the eyebrows with the help of your thumb.

It is best that you solicit the assistance of a well qualified and experienced Yoga teacher or, better still, enlist into a Yoga institute of repute to learn and master these techniques